Engineers Help Save Endangered Species

Engineers help save endangered species. What does it mean for a species to become extinct? Subsequently, it means that those plants or animal have completely died out, therefore, no longer exist on Earth. Science claims species are going extinct daily, by the hundreds. As a result the Rainforest alone, it’s estimated there are about 50,000 species becoming extinct each year. Should we care abut extinction? 

Engineers Assist in Prevention 

How can we prevent it?  In the event Engineers can put a stop to the destruction of natural habitats, will go a long ways towards avoiding species extinction. Habitats will be threatened in a number of ways. Rain-forests can be destroyed by clear cutting,  mass cut of trees in a large area of forest. Notably,  coral reefs and polar ice caps two habitats threatened by rising temperatures.  In-addition to other effects due to global warming the world is heating up fast.

Notably, what are engineers doing to save natural habitats and prevent extinction? Importantly, as part of the design process, engineers listen to environmental scientists to gather information.  Together this information is helping them design and gather products to fight extinction. For example, some scientific studies have shown that greenhouse gas emissions have contributed to global warming.  Which in turn, could endanger some plants and animals. This scientific evidence, engineers can design products (like cars) that reduce harmful emissions.   Engineers create both direct and indirect solutions to prevent extinction.  Materials engineers are developing long-term alternatives to wood.  Architectural engineers are making buildings more energy efficient.  Mechanical and chemical engineers are producing clean energy.  Lastly, civil and other engineers are working to save coral reefs.

Techniques Engineers Develop

Techniques developed by Engineers and intended to reduce strain on the biosphere in one area,  have unintended detrimental effects on another area. One example begins with,  the development of pesticides.  By using pesticides, farmers were able to drastically reduce the loss of crops due to insect destruction. Significantly, improved crop yields and reducing the required size of farm land.  Limiting farm expansion into deep wilderness.  However, overuse of pesticides attributed to colony collapse disorder (CCD) in bees.  Bees primarily responsible for pollinating many of our crops, upping crop yield. This example shows,  clearly that there are competing factors in ecological conservation. All aspects need balancing to produce the best possible results.

Engineers: All Disciplines 

Equally, engineers of many types, create products that help save plants and animals. Take note, material engineers develop new building supplies that mimic wood in function (such as structural support),  to way it looks and cost.  Need for actual timber from rain-forests will diminish. This can reduce the harmful practice of clear cutting rain-forest timber, destroying precious habitat for many plants and animals.  Engineers are working saving coral reefs, diverse animal and plant life that depend on them. Coral reefs are destroyed in a number of subsequent ways. Pesticides and nutrient runoff encourages growth of algae smothering coral, needing sunlight to survive.  Industrial toxins dumped into the ocean,  poison coral, resulting in death.  Careless construction, logging and farming lead to erosion,  smothering and killing coral.

Not to mention, Civil and Agricultural engineers play a role  assisting and  preventing of coral death.  Encouraging better farming practices, reducing pesticide runoff and control erosion.  Also, Environmental engineers can develop a more responsible handling industrial waste. Coral reefs threatened by an overpopulation of starfish, which feed on coral,  overwhelming their own food source. Chemical engineers in Japan have isolated a chemical produced by sea urchins attracting starfish. Subsequently, using this chemical,   starfish are attracted away from the coral,  relocating in other areas of the ocean.

Engineers Preserve Habitat

Engineers are indirectly assist and preserve  habitats through combating global warming. The phenomenon of global warming may be alleviated as engineers develop new methods, helping our society use less energy (gas and electrical).  Using more clean energy,  produced in a way that does not contribute to global warming, such as wind, solar, and biomass. Engineers do not necessarily have coral reef or the rain-forest in mind when they are doing this work.  Nonetheless,  these bio-diverse habitats benefit from lack of human intervention,  ensuing stability in their habitats.


Generally speaking, species extinction is happening at an alarming rate.   Given these points, ethical and aesthetic reasons, we need to prevent endangered plants, animals and insects from disappearing. Therefore, Engineers from a wide variety of disciplines work hard developing products. Protecting the habitats where those endangered species live, so we may live a better life.










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